Poka – Yoke is a Japanese term meaning error correction. It refers to a process designed to eliminate human error in the production process and improve product quality. Poka – yoke is a very important technique used in the manufacturing or service industry. It focuses on preventing errors and defects from occurring in the first […]
A3 problem solving is a problem solving technique developed to ensure the participation of employees in continuous improvement processes and to develop solutions to problems together. Problem solving techniques include many techniques such as 8D, PDCA Cycle, Quality Circles, FMEA, A3 technique. The main purpose of all techniques is to identify, analyze and solve problems […]
The PDCA cycle “Plan-Do-Check-Act” is a four-stage method used in processes such as lean manufacturing and problem solving, especially in continuous improvement. This change cycle, also known as the Deming circle, decides how the process should proceed according to the testing of improvements and their outputs. What is the PDCA Cycle? The PDCA cycle, which […]
The Eight Disciplines (8D) is a problem-solving methodology that aims to find the root causes of defects and problems, produce solutions to recurring problems, and eliminate problems. It is possible to improve quality and reliability with the 8D if a product is defective or does not satisfy the customer. First developed by Ford Motor Company […]
Lean Manufacturing aims to increase efficiency and minimize waste in the modern business world. Inspired by the Toyota Production System, this approach is based on customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. Lean manufacturing helps businesses reduce costs while increasing operational efficiency and consists of several steps. Lean Manufacturing Steps 1. Value Definition: Value is created by […]
Contrary to popular belief, lean manufacturing is not just a set of principles and techniques. Training on lean and providing the tools are part of the process. But it is not enough. Managing a truly lean business requires a Lean mindset, and this is only possible by creating a Lean culture. The goal of Lean […]
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