What is 8D Problem Solving?

The Eight Disciplines (8D) is a problem-solving methodology that aims to find the root causes of defects and problems, produce solutions to recurring problems, and eliminate problems. It is possible to improve quality and reliability with the 8D if a product is defective or does not satisfy the customer. First developed by Ford Motor Company in the 1980s, 8D is most commonly used in the automotive industry today, but is also used by many different sectors such as healthcare, finance, and retail. In this blog post, we will explore the definition of 8D, the basic steps and benefits of 8D. .

Definition of 8D

The 8D problem-solving model is a process that focuses on solving critical problems in a manufacturing process. Based on a statistical analysis of a problem, it determines the root causes of the problem and focuses on its source. The purpose of the method is to find the root cause of a problem, find permanent solutions to these problems, and take corrective actions to prevent it from happening again. The 8D process includes 9 steps, each designed to identify, fix and prevent further problems.

What are 8D’s Basic Steps? How is 8D Applied?

To use the 8D problem-solving model, it is necessary to apply each of its core disciplines sequentially. Even if time is limited, it is very important not to skip any of the disciplines and to follow every step for successful implementation.

D0: Plan

Before forming a team to solve the current problem, a plan should be made. The first step is to consider and plan who will be responsible for solving the problem, how long it will take to resolve the issue, and what resources are needed to resolve the issue.

D1: Build The Team

A team should be formed that is responsible for solving the problem. When building the team, it is important to choose people with different perspectives and skills so that a variety of ideas can be brought to the table. Because a team with different perspectives can come up with much more creative solutions.

D2: Describe the Problem

The issue needs to be described in detail and its impact on the business or processes should be described. The main goal in this step is to identify what is wrong and make sure that the team has addressed the problem in all its dimensions.

D3: Apply a Temporary Fix

Once the problem is clearly identified, a temporary fix should be applied to prevent further damage. For example, if the problem affects the customer, temporary fixes such as recalls, production stoppages can be applied to protect customers.

D4: Identify and Eliminate Root Cause

After applying the temporary fix, the root cause of the problem should be determined. Performing cause-effect analysis to identify possible causes of the problem helps uncover many possible causes. Root cause analysis should be applied to determine the root cause. After determining the source of the problem, it is necessary to develop a permanent solution to solve the problem and implement this solution.

D5: Verify Solution

After the team develops and approves the permanent solution, it is necessary to verify that the developed solution resolves the issue. The validation process is carried out by testing the solution, monitoring the status, and collecting feedback from customers.

D6: Apply Permanent Solution

After verifying that the solution works successfully, the next step is to apply the solution permanently. After this step, it is necessary to follow the solution for a while to ensure that the solution works correctly and does not produce unexpected side effects.

D7: Prevent Problem Recurrence

It is necessary to prevent the problem from happening again in the future. This may require improving the quality control system, updating the organisation’s standards, policies and procedures.

D8: Celebrate Team Success

The final step in the 8D process is to celebrate the team’s success. The team and everyone involved in problem solving can be thanked and celebrated.

When is the 8D Problem Solving Model Applied?

The indications that it is time to implement the 8D model are as follows:

  • Discovering security or regulatory issues,
  • Receiving frequent complaints from customers,
  • Poor performances and unsuccessful tests indicate that it is necessary to implement the 8D model.

Benefits of 8D Problem Solving

The 8D philosophy aims to encourage teams to work in harmony with the individual abilities of each of their employees. The strength of the 8D approach lies in the ability of team members to come together and improve their communication and collaboration skills. In addition, it provides many benefits to the organization:

  • It demonstrates a systematic and flexible solution-oriented approach to increase efficiency and success within an organization .
  • Supports effective and timely response to customers’ questions and concerns.
  • Quality management systems provide support for corrective actions, problem resolution and continuous improvement.
  • It helps to reveal future problems and dangers in advance by considering the present.
  • In line with customer demand, it ensures that the efficiency of organizations in meeting special requirements is constantly increased and management concerns are eliminated.

A Digital Platform for problem-solving and Continuous Improvement

Oneri.io offers a comprehensive digital platform for continuous improvement and lean production. It runs 7 basic modules such as employee suggestion system, kaizen, near-miss reporting, 5S audit management, lessons learned, action management and customer demand management in an integrated manner. Designed to manage business processes such as continuous improvement, kaizen, OHS, OPEX and quality, this software offers both mobile and web access.

You can contact us for more information about oneri.io.

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