Tips for Effective Use of Suggestion Systems

Most companies rely on their employees to shape, grow, improve, and drive innovation. Involving employees in problem identification and improvement processes and listening to their suggestions is necessary for every business. However, most businesses do not have a system to encourage employee participation or use the existing system effectively. In our blog post, we will consider Tips for Effective Use of Suggestion Systems. Both companies with an existing system and companies wanting to create a new system can benefit from these tips.

How Do You Use Suggestion Systems Efficiently?

  • The Suggestion System Should Be Open to Everyone

Today, closed suggestion systems are seen as symbols of a failed system. Hiding shared ideas, not sharing ideas, hiding participation causes inefficient use of suggestion systems. On the contrary, it is important to make the system open. This will also help encourage employees to nurture each other and share ideas.

  • Define a Topic

Gathering ideas by defining a topic makes it easier for employees to share their ideas and add them to the system. Your goal should be to maximize the number of ideas employees will share. For this reason, gathering ideas around a certain topic will increase the participation of your employees.

  • Take Action

When an idea is shared by your employees, it is very important to act quickly and evaluate that idea. This shows that you value employee ideas and suggestions. They also want to be informed as the process of ideas progresses. For this reason, involve your employees in the process as much as possible.

  • Reward Employees

After successful completion of the improvement or innovation process, rewarding the person who presented the idea is a great way to engage employees. So be sure to find a way to reward employees who share the best suggestions and ideas.

  • Measure the Process

The purpose of the program is to ensure employee engagement and recognition. For this reason, you need to measure the effectiveness of the process, not individual ideas. While measuring, the most important thing is to measure the evaluation time and the application time. In addition, of course, you should measure the percentage of participation and the level of participation. In short, the participation rate to be considered when measuring is the number of ideas shared per employee per year, the evaluation period and the transition period to implementation.

Remember, your company is full of people with brilliant ideas on how to improve processes. For this reason, above all, you should be aware that you can make a real difference by giving a voice to your employees and find the way to make the most of these ideas.

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