Lessons Learned Software

Strengthen your corporate memory by digitally archiving your lessons learned and improvement efforts!

How It Works?

3 Steps to Learned Lesson Solution

Information management system for your improvement processes!


Learned Lesson Entry

Employees can enter lessons learned using the web or mobile application. At this stage, many information such as course subject, location, project, effects, problems, solutions, outcomes, categories are entered.


Learned Lesson Approval Process

The approvers authorized in the system review the lessons learned that are requested to be shared by employees and check their suitability for publication. In this process, they have the options to approve, reject and send for revision.


Learned Lesson Detail Screen

Employees can see all the lessons learned published on the platform from the lessons learned menu. There is a detail screen in the system for each lesson learned. Other employees can share their comments on this screen.

Digitally archive your gains from continuous improvement efforts and prevent information loss.

Information Management System

Learned Lesson Solution Features

Organizational Digital Memory

By recording your activities, you can strengthen the digital memory within the organization. By storing what has been learned from past projects, better decisions can be made in new projects. The platform strengthens collaboration between teams.

Providing a platform to share lessons learned from improvement activities increases motivation and inspires other employees.

Sharing Success


Lessons learned are shared transparently on the platform in full detail. Sharing both operational and financial gains openly with the entire company increases employee engagement.

Key Features

Category and field based information entry

Extensive filter and search options

Improvement-oriented information management system

Encouraging collaboration with the option to add comments


Öğrenilmiş Ders İşletmelere Ne Sağlar?

Faaliyetlerinizden elde ettiğiniz kazanımları kaydedin, daha bilinçli kararlar alın. 


Kurumsal hafızayı ve iş birliğini güçlendirerek şirketin başarı potansiyelini artırmasını sağlar.


Çalışan önerileri ile sorunlu alanların tespit edilerek verimliliğin artırılması sağlanır.


Çalışanlara söz hakkı verilmesi ile çalışanların şirkete bağlılığının artırılması sağlanır.


Üretim süreçlerindeki israfın ve fazlalıkların tespit edilmesi ve ortadan kaldırılması sağlanır.


Explore frequently asked questions about the Learned Lesson.

What is a Lesson Learned?

Lessons learned are all the positive and negative achievements made during the execution of a project.

What is the Purpose of a Learned Lesson?

The main objective of the lesson learned is to gain valuable insights from positive or negative experiences and apply them to improve future decision-making processes and outcomes.

Why Learned Lesson Solving is Necessary?

The Lesson Learned Solution allows recording many information such as course topics, project details, location, problems, solutions, impacts and gains for improvement activities on a single digital platform. It strengthens the digital memory within the organization by preventing the loss of gains for the improvement activities carried out. It supports making better decisions in new projects by storing what has been learned from past projects. Therefore, a lessons learned solution is an important solution to extract valuable insights from past experiences, be more effective in future initiatives and increase the success potential of the organization.

Which Businesses is a Learned Lesson Suitable for?

It is suitable for any business that wants to digitally share, record and make improvement efforts and achievements available to everyone across the business.

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