Kaizen Solution

Digitize your Kaizen processes to eliminate problematic workflows and unnecessary costs!

How It Works?

Discover the Kaizen
The solution in 4 Steps!



Creating Kaizen

Within the platform, there are options to "create kaizen from suggestion" or "create kaizen from scratch". At this stage, information about kaizen, pre-kaizen situation, post-kaizen situation, kaizen economic impact and the areas where kaizen can be applied are entered.


Kaizen Detail Screen

A kaizen detail screen is created for each kaizen entered into the system. On this screen, information such as stakeholders, general information about kaizen, documents, comments, etc. can be followed up to date.


Evaluation of Kaizens

Kaizens added to the system fall to the relevant Kaizen approver to be evaluated in line with the determined approval hierarchy. Depending on the type of Kaizen and the application area of the Kaizen, the relevant evaluator has the options of approving, rejecting and requesting opinion for the Kaizen.


Rewarding Kaizens

Kaizen approvers determine the score that the relevant Kaizen team members will deserve by filling in the "Kaizen Evaluation Question Set" previously defined in the system during the evaluation phase and adding additional points if necessary.

Manage your Kaizen projects systematically and measurably on a digital platform.


Features of the Kaizen Module?

Digital Kaizen Management

Our Kaizen module is a solution that digitally provides the methods and techniques businesses need to achieve improvement goals. It is used to identify improvement opportunities within the organization, develop plans for implementing changes, and measure the effectiveness of those changes.

Our Kaizen module meets the varying demands of businesses in Kaizen management processes with dynamic configuration options. This allows businesses to make necessary adjustments in the settings section within seconds without allocating time and budget for any additional development.

Flexible Kaizen Management

Real-time Notifications

Similar to all other modules, our solution sends automatic email, SMS, and mobile app notifications at every step of the Kaizen processes to ensure easy tracking. This allows Kaizen team members and evaluators to effortlessly monitor all developments throughout the process.

For a cumulative review of all your Kaizen initiatives conducted within the platform, you can visit our 'Statistics' page. This screen features numerous statistical templates enabling both process-oriented and financial analyses of your Kaizen processes.

Kaizen Statistics

Key Features

Creating kaizen through the mobile application and web platform.

Kaizen Economic Impact

Assigning Area-Based Kaizen Responsible Persons

Kaizen Classification

Reminder Notifications


User-Friendly Kaizen Detail Screen


Kaizen Çözümü
Şirketlere Ne Sağlar?

Kaizen iyileştirmelerinizi etkin şekilde yönetin, raporlayın.


İş süreçlerinde yapılan iyileştirmeler şirketin gereksiz maliyetlerden kurtulmasını sağlar.


Kaizen, çalışanların yaratıcılığını destekler ve onları daha iyi çözümler bulmaya teşvik eder.


Kaizen, değişime hızlı adapte olmayı sağlar. Şirketler değişen koşullara hızlı bir şekilde tepki verirler.


See frequently asked questions about the Kaizen System.


What is Kaizen?

Kaizen is a business philosophy that focuses on making small, incremental improvements in processes and products over time. It is based on the idea that small steps are much more effective than large ones. The goal of Kaizen is to ensure that each step in the process is better than the one before it, striving to achieve excellence.

What are the Fundamental Principles of Kaizen?

The fundamental principles that constitute Kaizen are as follows:

  • Continuous Improvement: Continuous Improvement, being the essence of Kaizen, should be at the center of every Kaizen activity.
  • Customer Focus: Kaizen aims to understand customer needs best and continually improve based on these needs.
  • Employee Involvement: One of the most crucial factors for the success of Kaizen is employee involvement. Businesses implementing Kaizen should encourage improvement at every level of their workforce.
  • Gemba: In Kaizen, Gemba refers to managers and top executives going to where the work happens and discovering areas in the processes that can be improved.
  • Empowerment: All employees within a company should feel that they are part of the problem-solving process and that their contribution is essential for the company.
  • Standardization: Kaizen aims to increase efficiency through the standardization of processes and procedures."

What are the Techniques and Tools of Kaizen?"

Kaizen offers various techniques and tools for businesses to continuously improve.

  • PDCA Cycle: A commonly used technique for implementing Kaizen strategies is the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. It consists of four stages: Plan – Do – Check – Act, creating continuity for the implementation and evaluation of Kaizen strategies.
  • 5 Whys Analysis: The 5 Whys Analysis is a tool used to identify the root cause of an existing problem. It is applied by delving into the source of the problem, asking various "why" questions.
  • Value Stream Mapping: It visually represents the entire process from raw material to the delivery of a finished product or service to the customer. The goal is to identify waste in the production process and make improvements within the process.

How to Implement Kaizen?

To establish and sustain a Kaizen culture in a company, consider the following steps:

  1. Set SMART Kaizen Goals: Create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) Kaizen goals.

  2. Form a Dedicated Kaizen Team: Establish a Kaizen team responsible for leading and guiding employees.

  3. Identify Improvement Areas: Identify areas for improvement, analyze root causes, and develop solutions.

  4. Implement Solutions: Apply solutions using data and measurements, and monitor progress.

  5. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate successes and share results organization-wide when Kaizen initiatives are completed.

  6. Incorporate Kaizen into Culture: Integrate Kaizen into the organization's culture, making it a way of life for everyone.

By following these steps, a company can effectively foster and maintain a Kaizen culture, promoting continuous improvement throughout the organization.

Why is a Kaizen Solution Necessary?

The Kaizen solution enables companies to conduct their improvement processes in a digital environment, in a systematic and measurable format. Users can identify areas for improvement, develop plans to eliminate inefficiencies, track the lifecycle of the process, and measure performance through the platform. In short, the Kaizen solution facilitates the entire Kaizen process from idea generation to implementation.

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