Case Studies

Centralisation of Continuous Improvement and Lean Manufacturing Systems

Our business partner operating in the manufacturing sector preferred Continuous Improvement Platform in order to increase efficiency and employee satisfaction by digitalising its processes. We systematised the suggestion-reward system by moving the paper-based suggestion collection and action tracking processes to the digital environment. In this way, the processes were monitored more easily and quickly, coordination between teams was strengthened and access to retrospective information became easier. Our platform played an important role in helping our business partner achieve its continuous improvement and lean production targets.

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Systematisation of Suggestion and Action Management Processes

Our business partner, which has been attaching importance to continuous improvement and lean production activities for many years, has taken important steps towards digitalisation to make its processes more effective and efficient. In line with its needs, the company has developed various inhouse software and purchased 3rd party solutions in areas such as suggestion system, 5S audits, kaizen, near miss and action management.

Recently, with the increase in the number of systems, our business partner started to experience difficulties in the management of its processes. By moving its processes to our solution, our business partner started to centrally manage the processes managed from different systems from a single platform.

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Moving 5S Audits from Paper to Digital

Our business partner has been conducting regular monthly and annual 5S audits at 57 different locations for the last 3 years, but was facing some difficulties in the current process. The mobile and web solutions offered within the scope of the project saved time and labour as they eliminated the manual data entry process after the audit.

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Moving Idea Collection and Evaluation Processes from Excel to

Our business partner, who wanted to make suggestion collection more effective and efficient, preferred our Employee Suggestion System solution. Within the scope of the project, the suggestion collection and evaluation processes were completely digitalised. All past and unevaluated suggestions of our business partner were transferred to the system and the project went live.

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