What is PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA cycle “Plan-Do-Check-Act” is a four-stage method used in processes such as lean manufacturing and problem solving, especially in continuous improvement. This change cycle, also known as the Deming circle, decides how the process should proceed according to the testing of improvements and their outputs.

What is the PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA cycle, which stands for plan-do-check-act, is an important part of the foundation of continuous improvement and lean production. With the increasing demands for change in workplaces, it help teams to realize this change in a planned and careful manner.

The PDCA Cycle involves planning, testing and feedback phases after the main source is decided upon when making an improvement. This feedback allows observation of the measures that need to be taken, either by indicating that the solution is working correctly and as intended, or that something needs to be changed. This process is of great importance for continuous improvement and quality management.

In Which Areas is the PDCA Cycle Used?

  • a new continuous improvement
  • in planning within the framework of quality management and quality improvement
  • to assess the performance of a system or process and identify opportunities for improvement
  • to handle customer complaints, measure and increase customer satisfaction
  • when a problem is identified, identify the root cause of the problem and find a solution
  • can be used in such cases.

What are the Stages of the PDCA Cycle? How to Make a PDCA Cycle?

Step 1: Plan

In the first phase, teams identify a problem or a process that needs improvement. They analyze the current situation and collect data. Goals are set and the necessary steps to achieve these goals are planned. According to the scope of the plan, the number of employees who will work for these goals is determined.

Step 2: Do

The “Do” phase is the process of implementing the plans made in the first step. Usually a trial of a certain size is carried out, while continuing the ongoing process. During implementation, data should be collected and process observation should be made.

Step 3: Check

It can be called the most critical phase of the PDCA cycle. Because in this step, the data collected after implementation is analyzed and compared with the ongoing operation. It is also determined how successful it is in reaching the targets and its shortcomings. Being objective at this stage plays a major role in preventing the repetition of mistakes and achieving the targets. In case of success, the next stage is taken and the implementation goes live on a large scale. In the opposite case, in case of failure, it is appropriate for teams to go back to the planning stage and continue the process with a different planning.

Step 4: Act

In the final stage of this cycle, deficiencies and errors in the evaluation results are corrected. Improvements that are successful and achieve targets are standardized and made into a permanent order. Improvements that have been successful in a specific area can be applied in a wider area within the organization. From this point, another PDCA cycle can be continued for new planning and continuous improvements.

The PDCA cycle is considered one of the basic tools of continuous improvement, lean production and quality management philosophies and is widely used in many sectors and in different fields. This cycle offers a systematic approach to improve and sustain an organization’s performance, productivity and efficiency in processes.

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