The employee lifecycle must be created efficiently for a company to specialize in employee experience. The employee lifecycle can be made more efficient by listening to employees at every stage of the cycle and creating personalized experiences. In our blog post “What is Employee Experience? What Stages Does It Go Through? What are the Benefits?” You can find answers to your questions. What is Employee Experience? Employee experience is the perception an employee acquires in a company from the time she starts to work until she leaves. The company’s workplace, culture and technology are factors that influence employee experience. Employee experience forms the basis of job performance. Because maintaining relations with customers, developing products, creating a competitive and well-known brand are all possible thanks to the efforts and efforts of the employees. Thus, employee experience encompasses all positive and negative experiences that affect how hard employees work, how well they collaborate with colleagues, and how much they invest in improving company performance. What Stages Does the Employee Experience Go Through? Employee experience encompasses everything an employee learns, does, sees, feels and perceives at every stage of the employee lifecycle. The employee lifecycle has 5 key phases. Now let’s see what these stages are. 1. Recruiting The recruiting phase is the first and most important phase of the employee lifecycle. Because promoting the company culture, evaluating job applications, hiring and building trust take place in this step. 2. First Participation Initial engagement begins with the employee accepting the job and continues through their first weeks, months, and even their first year on the job. Receiving feedback from the new employee at the initial participation stage improves the recruitment process and determines what the job and workplace-related deficiencies are. 3. Development This stage shows the changes and developments in the skills of the employees. As employees’ responsibilities and duties evolve, it is necessary to measure their productivity, ability to be a team, and expectations. 4. Retention At this stage, the commitment of the employees to the company is established. With strategies for retaining good and talented employees, employees should be encouraged to perform, improve themselves, and continue to contribute to the success of the company. A company’s efforts to retain its current employees make a great economic contribution to the company in the long run. 5. Leaving Work It is a fact that most employees will leave the company after a while. They may leave their current job because they are retired, to start a job at a different company, or because they want to make some changes in their lives. Whatever the reason, company management conducts an exit survey when employees leave, allowing them to learn the reasons behind the employee’s decision. Because those who leave the company have nothing to lose, they participate in the survey honestly. Thus, managers can gain new insights into what you can do to improve and enhance the employee experiencing. What Are the Benefits of Employee Experience? Companies that value and strive for employee Thus, managers can gain new insights into what you can do to improve and enhance the employee experiencing. are able to attract and retain the best talent. During difficult times like the Covid-19 pandemic, economic crisis and more, paying attention to employee experiencing helps companies stay competitive. Here are just a few of the benefits of employee experience: It increases employee engagement and productivity. The absenteeism rate of employees decreases. As the productivity of happy employees will increase, the quality of their work will also increase. Communication with customers will be healthier as employees will have a good mood.