What is Quality Management System?

Nowadays, effective quality management is a must for a company to be successful. A solid quality management system (QMS) helps meet customer expectations and deliver products & services with minimal waste. This provides many benefits to businesses, from customer satisfaction to profitability. Therefore, the implementation of a Quality Management System by a business is the […]

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What is Operational Excellence (OPEX)?

Today, the rapid development of technology changes market conditions and customer expectations every day. Adapting to this change becomes the primary goal of businesses. Operational excellence (OPEX) is the key to achieving competitive advantage and sustaining business growth. It helps businesses create a roadmap for continuous improvement in the changing business environment. In our blog […]

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What is Kobetsu Kaizen (Focused Improvement)?

Kobetsu kaizen, focussed improvement in Turkish, comes to our language from Japanese. The approach we know as kaizen is that in a certain process, in a certain department or at a certain workstation, the team there focuses only on that area and makes periodic improvements in that area. What is Kobetsu kaizen (Focused improvement)? Focused […]

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What are Lean Problem Solving Techniques and Tools?

What is Lean Problem Solving? Lean problem solving aims to solve complex problems efficiently by simplifying the problems, identifying the basic elements and main causes. The main goal here is to understand the essence of the problem and to produce effective solutions by avoiding unnecessary elaborations and complexities. Lean problem solving involves analysing the problem […]

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What is World Class Manufacturing?

World Class Manufacturing stands out as an effective manufacturing strategy that increases the competitive advantage of leading companies and industries in today’s global economy. Definition of World Class Manufacturing World-class manufacturing is a strategy to use existing resources in the most efficient way at high performance. Optimizing resources and improving processes brings sustainable success by […]

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What is Continuous Improvement?

Kaizen, known as Continuous Improvement, is a practice that aims to make short-term efforts by monitoring processes and performances but aims to create the most efficient result in the long term. It enables the elimination of problems and the development of works and projects without interruption. Why is Continuous Improvement Important? The changing world causes […]

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