8 Steps of the FMEA Process

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a method of evaluating a product or process to identify potential risks and areas requiring improvement. In this blog post, we will discuss the 8 steps of the FMEA process. What is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)? Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a systematic approach […]

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4 Basic Steps of Quality Management System

Quality is the conformity of a company’s service or product to customer expectations and timely delivery. Quality management system is the process that companies implement to continuously improve product or service quality and meet customer expectations. In this blog post, we will discuss the four basic stages of the quality management system in detail. What […]

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How to Implement a Poka-Yoke?

Poka – Yoke is a Japanese term meaning error correction. It refers to a process designed to eliminate human error in the production process and improve product quality. Poka – yoke is a very important technique used in the manufacturing or service industry. It focuses on preventing errors and defects from occurring in the first […]

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Benefits of A3 Problem Solving

A3 problem solving is a problem solving technique developed to ensure the participation of employees in continuous improvement processes and to develop solutions to problems together. Problem solving techniques include many techniques such as 8D, PDCA Cycle, Quality Circles, FMEA, A3 technique. The main purpose of all techniques is to identify, analyze and solve problems […]

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What is PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA cycle “Plan-Do-Check-Act” is a four-stage method used in processes such as lean manufacturing and problem solving, especially in continuous improvement. This change cycle, also known as the Deming circle, decides how the process should proceed according to the testing of improvements and their outputs. What is the PDCA Cycle? The PDCA cycle, which […]

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What is Total Quality Management?

Today, when competition is very high, businesses always aim to keep quality at the highest level in order to increase their profitability and satisfy their customers. Businesses that can provide quality remain competitive and achieve sustainable success, while other businesses cannot achieve the success they want. In the 1950s, Total Quality Management, the widely known […]

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